Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013

Review / Resensi / Comment Film Iron Man 3

Nurma Yulia Cahyani
Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer */**

Technology development from time to time is always evolving. The interaction between human and computer has develop very rapidly. One example of  modern human and computer interaction is shown in the movie Iron Man 3 is the interaction between Tony Stark by JARVIS , this movie is full with a touch of technology. We watched the film from beginning to end and it's full of incredible technology. the crews from this movie makes computer effects like reality. we will be spoiled by this movie and tony stark's technology grows curiosity.

Tony injects a techno - organic virus into the nervous system to save his live, so his body unite with the armor and controlling them with his mind. eventually, Tony could control his armor from a great distance. the parts of the Armor one by one drifted closer to Tony's body.

Robot Jarvis is an iron clothes that has been integrated with intelligent agent systems. Jarvis robot is able to interact directly with tony using voice recognition system. Jarvis also can detect if there is interference on Tony his-self.

jarvis, computer super robot as well as Iron Man Tony Stark's assistant can be controlled even without anyone in it. Tony has made more  than one of his armor. Dozens of this robot helps tony when he is in danger and fight to safe tony's lover and the president.

In the office, tony also uses a 3D computer instead of computers that we use today.

As a student of technology, the effects used in this film motivated me to continue to learn and strive in the field of information technology in order to make human computer interaction up to that level.

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